Scammers Exploit MyDigicel App, Leaving Guyanese Vulnerable to Fraudulent Schemes: Analysis Reveals Exploitative Issues in User Agreement
March 27, 2024 | Guyana Uncut News | Georgetown, Guyana. | Staff Writer
There is a disturbing trend sweeping across Guyana, scammers are targeting unsuspecting customers of Digicel, the prominent cellphone and data service provider, through the “MyDigicel App.” Exploiting the trust of users, these fraudsters employ cunning tactics, leaving victims vulnerable to financial losses and privacy breaches.
The modus operandi of these scammers is as follows: posing as Digicel employees, they reach out to customers via WhatsApp, falsely claiming that the individual has won a prize. Subsequently, the scammer enters the user’s phone number and proceeds to enter it into their system, triggering the delivery of an SMS confirmation code to the victim’s device. Exploiting the victim’s trust, the scammer persuades them to divulge this code, enabling the perpetrator to gain unauthorized access to the victim’s MyDigicel account.

Once inside the account, the fraudster can exploit stored payment information, potentially making unauthorized purchases within the app and transferring credits to other numbers, amplifying the financial impact on the victim. Among the suspected numbers linked to these fraudulent activities are 5926968769, 5927005426, 5926211736, 5926710877, 5926021392, 5927073061, 5926374655, 5926537356, 5926156302, 5926922344, 5926855592, 5926329447 and 5927047127. These are what were uncovered from our investigations, and some of these numbers have been confirmed to be operated by persons within the prison system.
Guyana Uncut News made efforts to reach out to Digicel for comment at Guyana.Customercare@digicelgroup.com, no response has been received. Reports have been filed with both the police and Digicel, yet clarity on their strategy to combat this issue remains elusive, leaving customers exposed to continued risk.
In the absence of concrete action from the company, customers are urged to exercise caution and vigilance when interacting with individuals claiming to represent Digicel. Additionally, users are advised to refrain from sharing sensitive information, such as SMS confirmation codes, and to report any suspicious activity immediately.
Furthermore, an analysis of the MyDigicel app’s user agreement reveals potential exploitative issues that may further exacerbate vulnerabilities for users. The broad scope of permissions granted to Digicel, coupled with opaque language and shifting accountability, creates an environment ripe for exploitation and abuse.
The user agreement places significant responsibility on the user, potentially leaving them at a disadvantage when navigating the app’s features and services. Moreover, clauses that limit users’ ability to seek legal recourse or challenge unfair practices further entrench Digicel’s authority and control over the app and its user base.

Ultimately, it is incumbent upon Digicel to prioritize the protection and well-being of its users, both in the design of its app and in its interactions with customers. By upholding principles of integrity, fairness, and respect for privacy, Digicel can uphold its commitment to providing a safe and secure digital experience for all users.
As consumers become increasingly aware of the importance of data privacy and security, companies like Digicel must demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing exploitative issues and safeguarding the interests of their users. Failure to do so not only undermines trust and credibility but also exposes customers to unnecessary risks and vulnerabilities in an increasingly interconnected world.